
Happy Friday!

I feel like this has been a long week. Last weekend seems like a blur of friends and fun that happened a lifetime ago! Where do the days go? I was just thinking today that I can’t believe it is already the middle of February.

Remember when Christmas was a thing? Remember when St. Patricks day wasn’t that far away? Remember when I’m turning 28 this summer and it makes me want to cry for a second, but then I realize I still think I’m 23 so it’s cool…or maybe that’s immature and unrealistic? Either way, I’m going to tell myself that age is just a number and what actually matters is how you feel. So, I’m going to go ahead and act like I’m 23, and try not to cringe when I watch college basketball and realize the players are babies compared to me. I’ll probably be that old lady who dresses waaaayyyy too young but no one will ever tell me that I need to stop trying to be so hip. I think I’m already there actually….I think I’m going to dye my hair purple (I know I’ve been saying it, but Katy Perry at the Grammy’s…come ON) which makes me kind of feel like I’m back in high school, trying to look cool like the skateboarders in my Roxy clothes and DC Skate shoes. SO, I WANT TO BE A BAD ASS?!

I’m not. Never will be. But I can always try super hard to be cool as a cucumber.

Sometimes I wonder where my mind goes during these lately posts. I have epiphanies and sometimes it feels more like therapy and a journal entry…except 6,000 people are reading it, so there’s that. Thanks for listening and being my therapist I guess. I think I’ve had way too much coffee and just need to step away from the computer before I get too personal (but you wouldn’t judge me, right?).

Anyways, with all that being said, I don’t really want to say much about Valentines Day. Blah blah blah, Hallmark, flowers, happy, sad, chocolate, champagne, blah, depressing, blah, gifts, blaaaaahhhhhh. Some people love it and some people hate it. So I’m just going to leave it alone and let you do your thannnggg this V-Day. Perhaps if I’m feeling punctual I’ll bake something heart shaped or pink for you tomorrow…but I’m not going to make any promises.


Mikey almost left me after a (too long) trip to IKEA and 4 (super difficult to assemble, as always) pieces of furniture later. It was the closest we’ve ever come to murder and/or leaving.  Kidding obviously but It was awful. And one of the pieces was garbage…So, we basically swore off IKEA for the sake of our marriage. But I came across this kitchen and I am absolutely in love with everything from the cabinet colors to the faucet and copper jars. It is near perfection for me.
fac611d546306736fb7a8b47c033426dThis is the second time I have posted from Zoe’s blog. I am always entranced by her beauty and her sense of style. She is a Parisian dream and I want to move to France so we can be best friends.
778fcb57423bfd9b8d42c868038b4ab0 Here is a little shout-out to Valentines Day. A cute and delicious sounding cocktail! valentines.day_.cocktai.13.2 I’m still on the hunt for the perfect pieces of art for our home. I love love this piece by Alexandra Valenti. I am always drawn to darker and more mysterious pieces. This is all those things and then some. SO beautiful! tumblr_m2wd0bRl5D1qbl4eao1_500 Last but not least, a sweet treat you can make for someone you love, or just for you and your cat. These lovely Pots De Creme are a combo of salted chocolate, pistachio and raspberry. YUMMMMMMM! IMG_0128

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